The Discovery of Chile
by Diego de Almagro (1913) by the Chilean painter Pedro Subercaseaux
Errázuriz (1880-1956). This event is sometimes considered as the
foundation of Chile. To celebrate it this mural decorates the walls
of the former National Congress of Chile in Santiago.
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
A Wounded Hero
Marshal Jean Lannes
wounded at the battle of Essling by the French painter Paul-Emile
Boutigny (1853-1929).Lannes was one of
Napoleon's most daring and talented generals an a personal friend of
the emperor. In the bloody battle of Aspern-Essling he was mortally
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Historical Moment
The capitulation of
Granada, Boabdil confronts Ferdinand and Isabella (1882) by the
Spanish artist Francisco Pradilla y Ortiz (1848-1921). The painting
of this important event decorates know the Palace of the The Senate
of Spain in Madrid.
Friday, November 28, 2014
Idyllic Court Scene
Elizabeth and the Earl of Leicester (1865) by the British painter
William Frederick Yeames (1835-1918). Yeames preferred
these idyllic scenes from the good old times.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Harem Guard
The Harem Guard by the
Czech painter Rudolf Weisse (1869-1930). Despite it's not a decidedly
history painting the whole oriental exotic setting suggests a far
away place even in history.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Viking Queen
Astrid by the American illustrator N.C. Wyeth
(1882–1945). Wyeth did this Wagnerian illustration for the book The
World Of Music - Song Programs for Youth (1938).
Monday, November 10, 2014
Tragic Love
Semiramis dying on
Ninu’s grave by the Italian painter Augusto Valli (1867-1945).
Valli depicts here the legendary Babylonian queen dying on her dead
husbands tomb. But it seems also more an excuse to present a nude
female body in an exotic setting.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Famous English Nude
Lady_Godiva by the
French painter Jules Joseph Lefebvre (1836–1911). As legend tells
Lady Godiva was a 11th century English princess married to Leofric,
the Earl of Mercia and lord of Coventry. She begged her husband to
relieve the townspeople of the oppressive taxes and tolls. He
refused, unless she agree to ride through the town naked on
horseback. Out of respect for their lady, it is said, the townspeople
stayed indoors during her ride.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Romantic Knight
The Princess (1911) by
Howard Chandler Christy (1873-1952). Christy was an American artist
and illustrator famous for the "Christy Girl", he published
published in Scribner's and Harper's magazines and in Collier's
Friday, October 17, 2014
Kind of Harem Painting
Brenn and His Share of
the Spoils (1893) by the French painter Paul Jamin (1853-1903). Jamin
depicts here the Gallic chieftain who sacked Rome probably in 387 BC
in the popular manner of an Orientalistic harem painting. So it's in
the end more the modern French going to a luxury brothel.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Heroic Waterloo
Waterlo, 18. Juni 1815
(1898) by the British painter William Holmes Sullivan (1870-1898).
Another of these stupid heroic battle paintings. Here the English
cavalry gas conquered a French flag.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Defeated Enemies
They Fell into
Captivity (1885) by the Russian painter Bogdan Pavlovich Willewalde
(1819-1903). Some French prisoners of Napoleon's terrific Grande
Armée are conducted by a single Cossack. The painter contrasts the
superb French uniforms with the simple outfit of the Cossack.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Prehistoric Sweethearts
Prehistoric Woman
(1895) by the French painter James Jacques Joseph Tissot (1836-
1902). Tissot was famous as a painterr of elegantly dressed women
shown in scenes of fashionable life. Here he painted two really
fashionable Neolithic girls.
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Romantic Death
Black Prince at the
battle of Crecy by the British painter Julian Russell Story
(1857-1919). After the battle the victorious English prince is
contemplating the body of the dead King John of Bohemia. It should be
mentioned that Edward Prince of Wales the eldest son of King Edward
III of England was never called “Black” in his lifetime. It's an
attribution of the 16th century. But anyway he looks nice so deadly
black with the crows in the back.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Those Who Are About To Die
"Ave, Imperator,
morituri te salutant" (1859) by the French painter Jean-Léon
Gérôme (1824-1904). Gérôme loved the spectacular death in the
arena and painted it normally with the perspective from inside out.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Obsequies For A Cat
The Obsequies of an
Egyptian Cat (1886) by the British painter John Reinhard Weguelin
(1849-1927). A priestess kneels before an altar upon which is placed
the mummy of a cat. She is burning incense, and has presented
offerings of flowers and food to the cat's spirit, together with a
plate of milk. On the wall behind the priestess is an Egyptian
fresco, and a statue of the goddess Sekhmet or Bastet enthroned
guards the entrance to the temple.
Friday, September 5, 2014
A Warrior Saint
Joan of Arc in battle
by the German Romantic painter Hermann Anton Stilke (1803-1860). This
is the central part of a his Joan of Arc Triptych.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Victorious Return
Les Corsaires 1806 by
the French military painter Maurice Orange (1867-1916). A French
privateer has captured a British ship. Now the men are returning in
triumph with their prisoners, the conquered ship, the flag and rich
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Patriotic Students
The students march out
to defend Copenhagen during the 1658 siege (1889) by the Danish
painter Vilhelm Jacob Rosenstand (1838-1915).
Monday, August 18, 2014
A Broken Heart
Napoleons Farewell To
Josephine by the British painter Laslett John Pott (1837-1898).
Normally Pott was more specialized in military scenes but here he
depicted the great hero on a romantic battlefield.
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Historical Pin-Up
Cleopatra as a kind of
pin-up by the American artist Victor Tchetchet (1891-1974). Tchetchet
was a famous pin-up calendar and cover artist working for magazines
like American Weekly, Liberty, Master Detective, Photoplay.
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Dramatic Action
The death of Simon de
Montort by the French artist Alphonse de Neuville (1835-1885). This
book illustration was done for Guizot's History of France. Simon de
Montort was the cruel leader in the Albigensian Crusade or Cathar
Crusade (1209–1229) an was killed during the siege of Toulouse on
25 June 1218 smashed by a stone from a mangonel, operated by the
women of Toulouse.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
A Striking Ceremony
An Egyptian Feast by
the British painter Edwin Longsden Long (1829-1891). A
colorful, exotic scenery, using the latest archaeological and
historical insights.
Friday, July 25, 2014
The Second Battle of
Guararapes by the Brazilian painter Victor Meirelles (1832-1903).
The Second Battle of Guararapes was the second and decisive battle in
the war between the Dutch West India Company and Portuguese forces in
1649, ending the Dutch occupation of the Portuguese colony of Brazil.
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Patriotic Victory
Andreas Hofer after his
victory of Bergisel (1900) by the Austrian artist Franz von Defregger
(1835-1921). Defregger depicts here members the Tirolean militias in
their uprising against the Napoleonic oppression. It's the people in
arms, very popular at the eve of World War I.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
A Proud Nude
Isabelle and Orleans
(1938) by the great Australian artist Norman Lindsay (1879-1969). The
French Princess Isabella of Valois (1387-1410) was the daughter of
King Charles VI. Her childhood marriage at the age of eight to
Richard II of England sought peace between the two counties.
Following Richard's grisly murder, Henry IV tried to marry her off to
his son, the future Henry V of Agincourt fame. Isabella refused and
eventually returned to France, where she married Charles, Duke of
Orléans at Compiègne in 1406. The marriage, however, was brief,
Isabella dying in her early twenties giving birth to their daughter,
Monday, July 7, 2014
Epic Battle
The battle of Salamis
by the German romantic painter Friedrich Wilhelm Christian Theodor
Kaulbach (1822-1839). Even the gods are taking arms in this
legendary battle between Orient and Okzident.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Art Nouveau Knights
Another powerful and
elegant illustrations by the Austrian Art Nouveau painter Carl Otto
Czeschka (1878-1960) done for an edition of "Die Nibelungen"
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Old Comrades
Another Waterloo battle
scene by the French battle painter Joseph Louis Hippolyte Bellange
(1800-1866). An old greandier tries to comfort a dying comrade.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Bloody Carnage
The Massacre of the
Abencerrages (1874) by the French painter Georges Jules Victor
Clairin (1843-1919). The cruel subject is taken from Chateaubriand's
Aventures du dernier Abencérage (1826)i.e. Boabdil, the last king of
Granada. Boabdil lured the rival tribe of the Abencerrages in the
Alhambra, where all were slaughtered. The legend says that the
fountain flowed not with water but with blood.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
After the Battle
After the battle of
Fýrisvellir (1888) by the Swedish painter Mårten Eskil Winge
(1825-1896). In the battle of Fýrisvellir the Swedes repelled an
army of Nordic invaders. Though it's a great nation victory it's
interesting that Winge didn't paint the great heroic deeds but the
contemplative moments after the battle
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Treacherous Mermaids
Mermaids' Rock (c.1894)
by the British painter Edward Matthew Hale (1852-1924). Interesting
is that sirens and mermaids where normally painted in a classical
Greek context. Hale preferred here some Vikings or Celts meaning his
own British ancestors.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Surrender of Acre
The Surrender of Acre
by the French painter Merry-Joseph Blondel
(1781-1853). The most important victory of the Third Crusade. Here
the Muslim garrison surrenders to the French king Philip Augustus and
the English king Richard I. Another piece for the Crusader Gallery
in the National Museum in Versailles.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Prussian Battle
Hochkirch by the German
realist painter Adolf von Menzel. (1815-1905).
Menzel shows here the inferno of a battle. Men are struggling to move
forward, they are afraid. There is no dumb heroism.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Historical Drama
Eruption of Vesuvius by
the English painter John Martin (1789-1854). Martin specialized in
dramatic natural disasters and presented his paintings as a kind of
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Sweet Kitsch
Lesbia Weeping over a
Sparrow by the Dutch born British painter Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadelma
Alma Tadema refers here
to the poem Lesbia's Sparrow by the Roman poet Gaius Valerius
"All you Loves and
Cupids cry and all you men of feeling my girl's sparrow is dead..."
Friday, May 9, 2014
Dramatic Attack
The phalanx attacking
the centre in the battle of the Hydaspes book illustation by the
French artist and engraver André Castaigne (1861-1929). Despite that
the Macedonian phalanx attacked with the sarissa a 4 to 7 meterlong
pike Castaigne depicts them here attacking with the sword because of
the better dramatic effect.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Battle of Castillon
The Battle of Castillon by
the French painter Charles-Philippe Larivière (1798-1876). The
Battle of Castillon (July 1453) in Gascony was the last and decisive
French victory and marked the end of the Hundred Years' War.
Larivière shows here the death of the English commander John Talbot,
Earl of Shrewsbury.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Hus at Constance
Hus at Constance (1842)
by the German romantic painter Carl Friedrich Lessing (1808-80). The
German protestant shows here Hus as a kind of forefather of Luther
defying the clergy who will burn him.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Mythical Villain
The Death of Ravana
King of Lanka (1875) by the French painter Fernand-Anne Piestre
Cormon (1845-1924). Ravana is the villain in the Hindu epic Ramayana
where he kidnaps Rama's wife. Cormon depicts him like an ancient
warrior king mourned by his wifes.
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Aeskulap by the English
painter Edward Poynter (1836-1919). Looking at the four patients I
suspect Aeskulap was more an excuse to show some nudes.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Columbus Landing
Columbus Landing by the
American painter John Vanderlyn (1775-1852). This painting was
commissioned by the Congress in June 1836 for the Capitol Rotunda.
Columbus was claimed as a forefather of the modern USA.
Friday, April 4, 2014
Loving Wife
A nice illustration to
Shakespeares Antonius and Cleopatra by the American artist Edwin
Austin Abbey (1852-1911). It was published in Harper's Monthly
Magazine in September 1909.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Valley Forge
Washington and
Lafayette at Valley Forge (1907) by the American painter John Ward
Dunsmore (1856-1945). The hard winter in Valley Forge one of the
great myths of the American War of Independence.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Esther before the King
Esther Denouncing Haman
by the British painter Ernest Normand (1859-1923). This is an old
popular subject in religious art. But Normand painted it like a
history or orientalistic painting with the great theatrical gestures
which were popular.
Monday, March 17, 2014
Mythical Past
in Snow by the German Romantic painter Caspar David Friedrich
(1774-1840). Though it's no history painting history, better the
past, is present and the subject.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Historic Saint
Saint Nicholas of Myra
saves three innocents from death (1890) by the Russian realistic
painter Ilya Repin (1844-1930). Despite it's kind of a religious
painting Repic depicts it like a real history painting with the
crresponding costumes and arms.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
A Bloody Civil War
Henri de La
Rochejacquelein at the Battle of Cholet in 1793 by the French painter
Paul-Emile Boutigny (1853-1929). It's a scene from the War in the
Vendée a popular Catholic and Royal uprising during the French
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